Sunday, May 27, 2007

take it all in.

here it is with waterfalls, hotub, and the rest of the yard. or at least what would fit into the frame. hope you enjoyed the tour. leave a comment, if u dare...

tidbits (continued)


in the end, the love you take=(2) the love you make. new math. pix of lil thingys to keep the folk occupied whilst they swim and frolic in their watery playpen. a bit of a robin's egg blue border and viola! even the cleercoat looks good.

eben mo finished mural photos

this here be the westernmost, or "whailing" wall.

mo finished mural

the southernmost wall, between the falls.

finished mural

this is the eastern most wall.

a quick tour so far

here's a spin around the wall. 1st, my lil frog buddy who looks on forlornly at the scene spreading out before hymn. then, form left to right, the mural up to this point. this is the stage of the work where i try to make each individual section
of the piece work compositionally from whatever angle you look at it, whilst trying not to get to damnably busy wit it. but, i loves to throw little shizzle into the nooks and crannies, and can spend long periods of time on remarkably small sections of the work.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007

mo woikin

some shadows

a bit of glazing with some toned down violets make for nice shadows, giving mr. buddha a 3-d appearance. the faux stone throne will ( hopefully) tie the mural to the waterfall rocks in the pool area. also continuing to flesh out foreground area.


the color on the bamboo is brought up to the foregroundish. a lotus is added to the pool in buddy buddha's lap.

the addition

next, is the addition of some up-close and personal bamboo. i start out just roughing it in in black and dark brown.